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contoh kalimat the public

"the public" terjemahan bahasa Indonesia  
  • So an increase on the public tax is unavoidable.
    Jadi peningkatan pajak publik tak bisa dihindarkan.
  • We can't face the public naked, can we?
    Kita tidak bisa bertemu publik dengan telanjang, kan?
  • He started murdering before reaching the public waters
    Dia melakukan pembunuhan sebelum sampai di laut lepas.
  • But John was with him at the public pool.
    Tapi John bersamanya di kolam renang umum.
  • Bad for the public image, right, Mr. Key-to-the-City?
    Alkohol buruk untuk citramu, 'kan, Tn. Kunci Kota?
  • Especially one who enjoys the public spotlight so much.
    Terutama mereka yang senang menjadi bahan sorotan.
  • I am the public defender appointed to your case.
    Aku pengacara yg ditunjuk untuk kasus Anda.
  • A casualty needed to preserve the trust of the public.
    Korban harus dilindungi demi kepercayaan publik.
  • Where does all potty in the public toilets go?
    Kemana semua toilet, kemana perginya toilet umum?
  • We didn't need to share this with the public.
    Kita tidak perlu membagikan ini dengan publik.
  • That is, before the public finds out.
    Aku akan mengirimkan tandu ke rumahmu dalam 4 hari.
  • I got a friend in the Public Defender's office.
    Aku punya teman di Pembela Umum kantor.
  • You think even we should approach the public?
    kamu berpikir bahkan kita pendekatan Haruskah pubIic itu?
  • This is Sarah Harrigan from the public defender's office.
    Ini Sarah Harrigan dari Lembaga Bantuan Hukum.
  • You don't think the public cares about that?
    Anda tidak berpikir publik peduli tentang hal itu?
  • The government, the public, they wouldn't stand for you anymore.
    "Pemerintah Warga", tak akan "Medukung-mu Lagi".
  • Suez executives visited the public water company's buildings.
    Eksekutif dari Suez mengunjungi bangunan air perusahaan masyarakat.
  • Now the people are going to rule The public rocks
    Sekarang masyarakat akan memerintah masyarakat beraksi
  • Now the public talks 2c b Cos A
    Sekarang publik bersuara 2c b Cos A. ..
  • The safety net of the public mental health system is gone.
    Pengamanan.. Mental masyarakat sudah hilang..
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